Auto ML Inner Workings

Here is a more detailed explanation about what the Ml Machine is doing.


Each transformation are grouped in steps. There can be several steps needed for each DataFrame, and the needed steps depend on the type of problem/variable. Some steps are optional some are needed.

Example of such steps:

  • TextPreprocessing (optional) this steps has all the text preprocessing transformer
  • TextEncoder : (needed) this step encodes the text into numerical value (Example using CountVectorizer or Word2Vec)
  • MissingValueImputer (needed if some variable have missing values)
  • CategorieEncoder (needed if some variables are categorical)
  • Model (needed) : last step consisting of the prediction model

see complete list with aikit.enums.StepCategories

The Ml Machine will randomly draw one model per step and merge them into a complex processing pipeline. Optional steps are sometimes drawn and sometime not.

(The transformers that are drawn are the one in the ml machine registry : Model Register)

First Rounds

Before randomly selected pipelines, a first round of models are tested using:
  • default parameters
  • without all the optional steps

Usually those pipelines should perform relatively well and gives a good idea about what work and what doesn’t.

Next Rounds

Once that is done, random rounds are started. For those, random models are drawn:

  • for each step, draw a random transformation (or ignore the step if it is optional)
  • for each model draw random hyper-parameters
  • if block of variable were setted, randomly draw a subset of those blocks
  • merge everythihg into a complexe graph

That model is then send to the worker to be cross-validated.

Stopping Threshold

For each given model the worker aims to do a full cross-validation. However the cross-validation can be stopped after the first fold if the result are too low (bellow a threshold fixed by the controller).

That threshold is computed using :
  • the base line score if it exists
  • a quantile on already done result

(See aikit.cross_validation.cross_validation() which is used to compute the cross-validation)

Guided Job

After a few models, with a given random probability, the controller will start to create Guided Jobs. Those jobs are not random anymore but uses BayesianOptimization to try to guess a model that will perform correctly.

Concretely a meta model is fitted to try to predict performance based on hyper-paramters and transformers/models choices. And instead we use that meta model to predict wheither or not a candidate model will perform or not.

Random Model Generator

The random model generator can be used outside of the Ml Machine:

from aikit.ml_machine.ml_machine import RandomModelGenerator
generator = RandomModelGenerator( auto_ml_config = auto_ml_config)

Graph, all_models_params, block_to_use = generator.draw_random_graph()
The generator returns three things:
  1. Graph : networkx graph of the model
  2. all_models_params : dictionnary with all the hyper-parameters of all the transformers/models
  3. block_to_use : the block of columns to use

With this 3 objects the json of a model can be created:

from aikit.ml_machine.model_graph import convert_graph_to_code
model_json_code = convert_graph_to_code(Graph, all_models_params

And then a working model can be created:

from aikit.model_definition import sklearn_model_from_param
skmodel = aikit.model_definition.sklearn_model_from_param(model_json_code)